Characteristics of Patients Treated in ED "Hallway Beds"
Ali Pourmand,
Bandar Mohammed Aljohani,
Robert Shesser,
Erin Kane,
Khalid N Almulhim,
Mateen Ghassemi,
Chen Chen,
Salah F Alam
Background: To maintain patient flow despite emergency department (ED) crowding, many hospitals place patients in spaces not originally designed for the initial evaluation of patients ("hallway bed"). Such spaces have a variable degree of privacy and often lack call bells, oxygen, suction, or monitors. Little is known about how the use of hallway beds effects the quality of care, patient satisfaction, and patient safety. We sought to describe the profile of patients whose evaluation was initiated in ED "hallway beds". Methods: A retrospective chart review was conducted in a single, urban, academic ED between June 2018 and June 2019. We included all patients presenting to ED whose bed assignment was a "hallway bed". We examined patient's demographic characteristics (including insurance status, race, and ethnicity), mean LOS, mode of ED arrival, emergency severity index(ESI), and disposition. Results: A total of 13,100 patients had their ED evaluation initiated in a hallway bed. The mean (SD) age of patients was 46 (17) years, and 54% were male. ESI 2 (emergent) were 44%, ESI 3 (urgent) 45%, ESI 4 (less urgent) 8.9 %, ESI 5 (non urgent) 1%, 45 % of patients arrived by ambulance. The most common chief complaints were ethanol intoxication (8.5%), altered mental status (3.5%), abdominal pain (3%), chest pain (2.6%), and fall (2.1%). Among the study population, 62% were black or African American, and 21% Caucasian. The mean (SD) total ED LOS was 7.29 (4.47) hours, 75 % of patients were discharged home, 12.4% were admitted as inpatient, and 1.8 % admitted to observation status. The total order of computed tomography scan was 6,569 and x-ray was 8,955. Conclusion: The use of "hallway bed"" for patients with serious illness is frequent in our ED and a direct result of the "boarding crisi". It is believed that this practice is widespread and is often unacknowledged by the hospitals administration and regulatory agencies. Further studies into how "hallway bed" can be optimally utilized could benefit patient care periods of high ED crowding.
Keywords: Emergency Medicine, ED crowding, Hallway Beds, Boarding Crisis, Patients Characteristics.
Ali Pourmand
Department of Emergency Medicine George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences 2120 L St. Washington DC, 20037 United States
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Ali Pourmand, Department of Emergency Medicine George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences 2120 L St Washington DC, 20037 United States
Publication history:
Received 07 Apr 2020
Accepted 13 Jun 2020
Published in print 19 Jul 2020
Pourmand A, Aljohani BM, Shesser R, Kane E, Almulhim KN, Ghassemi M, Chen C, Alam SF. Characteristics of Patients Treated in ED "Hallway Beds". SJEMed. 2020; 1(Supplement 1): 2S-2S. doi:
Pourmand A, Aljohani BM, Shesser R, Kane E, Almulhim KN, Ghassemi M, Chen C, Alam SF. Characteristics of Patients Treated in ED "Hallway Beds". [Access: March 29, 2025]. doi:
Pourmand A, Aljohani BM, Shesser R, Kane E, Almulhim KN, Ghassemi M, Chen C, Alam SF. Characteristics of Patients Treated in ED "Hallway Beds". SJEMed. 2020; 1(Supplement 1): 2S-2S. doi:
Pourmand A, Aljohani BM, Shesser R, Kane E, Almulhim KN, Ghassemi M, Chen C, Alam SF. Characteristics of Patients Treated in ED "Hallway Beds". SJEMed. (2020), [cited March 29, 2025]; 1(Supplement 1): 2S-2S. doi:
Pourmand, A., Aljohani, . B. M., Shesser, . R., Kane, . E., Almulhim, . K. N., Ghassemi, . M., Chen, . C. & Alam, . S. F. (2020) Characteristics of Patients Treated in ED "Hallway Beds". SJEMed, 1 (Supplement 1), 2S-2S. doi:
Pourmand, Ali, Bandar Mohammed Aljohani, Robert Shesser, Erin Kane, Khalid N Almulhim, Mateen Ghassemi, Chen Chen, and Salah F Alam. 2020. Characteristics of Patients Treated in ED "Hallway Beds". Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine, 1 (Supplement 1), 2S-2S. doi:
Pourmand, Ali, Bandar Mohammed Aljohani, Robert Shesser, Erin Kane, Khalid N Almulhim, Mateen Ghassemi, Chen Chen, and Salah F Alam. "Characteristics of Patients Treated in ED "Hallway Beds"." Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine 1 (2020), 2S-2S. doi:
Pourmand, Ali, Bandar Mohammed Aljohani, Robert Shesser, Erin Kane, Khalid N Almulhim, Mateen Ghassemi, Chen Chen, and Salah F Alam. "Characteristics of Patients Treated in ED "Hallway Beds"." Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine 1.Supplement 1 (2020), 2S-2S. Print. doi:
Pourmand, A., Aljohani, . B. M., Shesser, . R., Kane, . E., Almulhim, . K. N., Ghassemi, . M., Chen, . C. & Alam, . S. F. (2020) Characteristics of Patients Treated in ED "Hallway Beds". Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine, 1 (Supplement 1), 2S-2S. doi: